White and red ribbons
Ефектни ширити в бяло и червено, с които бързо и лесно може да декорирате дреха, чанта или да изработите мартеница с традиционни мотиви.

Best seller
Tricolor Braided Cotton Edging / 15 mm / White, Green, Red - 1 meter
Great deals on gorgeous Martenitsa trimmings at wholesale prices are available for order in our stores or online. EM ART awaits you.
SKU: 403833
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.15 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.92 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.69 $
/ 20 m. +

Natural Cotton Ribbon with Traditional Design / 10 mm / Beige with Red - 1 meter
Choose the right types of decorative ribbons and edgings for your martenitsas. Shop easily and profitably from the EM ART online store. We are expecting you.
SKU: 403832
Weight 7 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.74 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.60 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.45 $
/ 100 m. +

Cotton Braided Edging for DIY Accessories and Decorations / 10 mm / White with Red - 1 meter
EM ART offers various models of decorative ribbons and edgings with proven good quality. Order in bulk from our online store.
SKU: 403831
Weight 7 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.74 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.60 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.45 $
/ 100 m. +

Traditional Knitted Cotton Trim for DIY MARTENITSAS / 20 mm / Red with White - 1 meter
Only in EM ART you will find plenty of materials for martenitsas. Order online bulk quantities at TOP prices. We are expecting you.
SKU: 403830
Weight 20 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.15 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.92 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.57 $
/ 100 m. +

Natural Cotton Edging for CRAFT Decoration / 12 mm / Beige with Red and White - 1 meter
Here at EM ART we have a variety of cords, ribbons and edging for martenitsas, accessories and decorations. Choose and order online with home or office delivery.
SKU: 403829
Weight 10 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.63 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.57 $
/ 5-39 m.
0.38 $
/ 100 m. +

Knitted Cotton Trim for Handmade Accessories and Decoration / 15 mm / Red with White - 1 meter
EM ART is the right choice for bulk purchases of a variety of materials for martenitsas. Order online with home or office delivery.
SKU: 403828
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.63 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.57 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.38 $
/ 100 m. +

Braided Cotton Edging / Width: 10 mm / Red with White - 1 meter
EM ART offers a variety of different types and designs of cords and ribbons for martenitsas of proven quality.
SKU: 403827
Weight 7 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.63 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.57 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.38 $
/ 100 m. +

Braided Cotton Strip for MARTENITSAS / Width: 15 mm / White with Red - 1 meter
On the EM ART website you will find a wide range of strips and other suitable materials for making martenitsas. Make your choice and order with home or office delivery.
SKU: 403826
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.80 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.64 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.48 $
/ 100 m. +

Braided Cotton Ribbon for Craft and Art / Width: 15 mm / White with Red - 1 meter
In the EM ART store you can find proven quality and a variety of different types and designs of cotton decorative ribbons.
SKU: 403825
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.03 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.83 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.57 $
/ 100 m. +

Cotton Braided Ribbon for BABA MARTA Day / Width: 15 mm / Red-White - 1 meter
Here at EM ART, you will find plenty of materials for your martenitsas. Order online quickly and easily.
SKU: 403824
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.74 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.60 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.45 $
/ 100 m. +

Braided Cotton Ribbon / Width: 10 mm / Red with White Edging - 1 meter
In our stores or online you can order in bulk bargains on cords and ribbons for martenitsas. EM ART is waiting for you.
SKU: 403823
Weight 7 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.34 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.28 $
/ 5-39 m.
0.21 $
/ 40 m. +

Braided Cotton Ribbon for MARTENITSAS and other Crafts / Width: 15 mm / Beige, White and Red - 1 meter
In EM ART you can find proven quality and variety of different types and designs of cotton ribbons and edgings.
SKU: 403822
Weight 14 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.38 $
1-4 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
1.10 $
/ 5-19 m.
0.57 $
/ 100 m. +

Best seller
Decorative Wavy Edging / White / 5 mm ~ 9 meters
Choose and order online from the EM ART website great models of decorative ribbons and edgings at favorable prices. We are expecting you.
SKU: 403842
Weight 7 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.72 $
1-4 бр.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
1.19 $
/ 5 бр. +

Polyamide Braid 8x3.5 mm, White and Red - 4 Meters
Here at EM ART, you can enjoy a wide variety of ribbons made from different materials. Choose and order bulk quantities online.
SKU: 402337
Weight 60 gr
Pieces: 1
Price2.41 $

Zig-Zag White-Red Ribbon, Textile and Leather / Width: 11 mm - 20 meters
SKU: 402421
Pieces: 1
Price5.73 $

Best seller
Red-White Braided Cotton Ribbon / Width: 7 mm - 1 meter
Check out our selection of strips for handcrafted martenitsas and other accessories. EM ART has been a proven market leader for the past 15 years. Easy ordering and fast delivery.
SKU: 402408
Weight 3 gr
Pieces: 1
Price0.23 $
1-9 m.
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
0.18 $
/ 10-39 m.
0.14 $
/ 40 m. +

Decorative Craft Ribbon with Sequins / 12 mm / Red - 4 meters
EM ART offers a variety of decorative fabric ribbons for clothing, martenitsas and other crafts. Order online or visit our stores.
SKU: 402253
Weight 60 gr
Pieces: 1
Price1.38 $

Velvet Ribbon / 7 mm / White with Red Edging - 10 meters
SKU: 405085
Pieces: 1
Price4.87 $
for 1 пакет
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
1.46 $
/ 2 пакет +

Velvet Ribbon for Crafts and Decoration / 7 mm / White - 10 meters
SKU: 405087
Weight 23 gr
Pieces: 1
Price3.15 $

Velvet Ribbon for DIY and Craft Projects / 10 mm / Red - 182 meters
SKU: 405084
Pieces: 1
Price31.52 $

Velvet Ribbon for DIY Martenitsi / 10 mm / White with Red Edging - 10 meters
SKU: 405086
Pieces: 1
Price5.16 $
1-17 пакет
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
4.13 $
/ 18 пакет +

Velvet Ribbon 10 mm / White - 10 meters
We at EM ART have a huge assortment of types of strips and ribbons. Browse and order online quickly and easily.
SKU: 405089
Pieces: 1
Price3.44 $

Velvet Ribbon Roll for CRAFT / 10 mm / White - 20 meters
Choose velvet ribbons at TOP prices from the EM ART website. Order quickly and easily online with delivery to your home or office.
SKU: 405030
Pieces: 1
Price7.33 $